After Planet Fleed is destroyed by the Empire of Vega, Daisuke takes refuge on our planet. Taken in and adopted by Genzo Umon, he lives at the Shirakaba Farm. While Vega's invasion of Earth is imminent, Daisuke will defend planet Earth with the help of Grendizer, the titanic robot hidden deep inside Genzo Umon's observatory. With the help of Kôji Kabuto, the prince of Planet Fleed will constantly repel Vegas' attacks and fight his terrible robots, the Monstronefs, which were sent to destroy him.
Play as Umon Daisuke and his colossal robot while fighting in epic battles with multiple ways of battling: Piloting the Spazer (flying module where Grendizer is housed), vertical shoot-them-up in the Kôji Kabuto’s TFO, and 3rd person action/combat by controlling Grendizer. Use his iconic and devastating attacks to destroy the terrifying Monstronefs and save the earth.
Find yourself in Umon Daisuke's shoes and meet many recognisable characters whilst exploring iconic environments of the series, which have been recreated in accordance with the designs of the original series.
And finally, earn experience points while completing missions to achieve new abilities and upgrade your powers.
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